Uncharted Tech Within: Perilously Navigating Our Brain Without a Manual

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You would think that after millennia of having a brain, the one thing we rely on for survival, enjoyment and exploring our life potential, that there would be great emphasis placed on utilizing our minds to their highest capability. This reminds me of adapting to the intricacies of a newly upgraded phone.

A friend of mine just set up her new phone and apologized for not sending out her daily good morning text (you know who you are!).  It seems my contact info was not in the app yet.  When we upgrade our phones, along with the advertised upgraded features like another camera that does more cool things, there are usually new features that we are not aware of and apps that no longer work. 

Most of us find out about these new features from techie family or friends. On the other hand, when we go to use the old apps, they have disappeared, or are dysfunctional.  We don’t have the time to bother with them, so they usually sit there in the library, taking up space, or worse, affecting the efficiency of the phone.

Similar to a phone when there’s no manual provided (or we choose not to spend hours studying the manual), most of us navigate the landscape of our minds without direction.  Just like any device, the brain is influenced by external factors.  Societal norms, cultural influences, and shared human experiences often shape the ‘default settings’ of our thinking, acting as unofficial guides to the operation of our internal world.  Like the phone, but with monumental implications for the human race.

Let’s look at the dysfunctional apps, the built-in cognitive glitches and the bugs in our mental systems.

1. Vestiges of Dysfunctional Apps

Embedded within our neural networks are outdated or non-functional ‘apps’.  These could be archaic survival instincts or unproductive behaviors conditioned over time.  Unfortunately, much like redundant apps on our phones, these elements consume memory, sometimes hindering the optimal functioning of our cognitive OS.

An example of this is the irrational fear of public speaking.  Why do we fear public speaking more than death?  What old app is running in the background telling us that the crowd will attack or turn it’s back on us and leave us out in the wilds with the saber tooth tigers?  And why do we, during times of emotional stress, sometimes revert to food-therapy?  Perhaps that reflex had a place at one time, but now it’s detrimental to a healthy life.

Imagine deleting these bandwidth hogs, what would that mean for you?

2. Cognitive Glitches and Defects

No system, however sophisticated, is free of glitches. Our brains, too, are susceptible to errors, including deletion, distortion and generalization:

  • Deletion: We often omit information, especially if it doesn’t align with our existing beliefs or is deemed irrelevant.
  • Distortion: Memories can be tweaked based on emotional states or subsequent experiences.
  • Generalization: We sometimes draw broad conclusions based on singular events, leading to stereotypes or misconceived notions.

Surprisingly, a large proportion of our daily perceptions and memories are influenced by these three processes, and only a small fraction represents “pure awareness” or unfiltered perception.

What would our world be like if we could see past these obfuscations of perception?

3. The ‘Bugs’ in the System

 Just as a phone system might display pop-ups or error messages, our minds too are privy to unexpected and sometimes unwanted interruptions. Be it intrusive thoughts, sudden emotional upheavals, or inexplicable images, these ‘bugs’ often challenge our understanding of our own minds.

Have you ever been awake in the middle of the night, with your mind creating one rerun after another of how past events “should” have been, or with upcoming attractions of worry and dread?  

Wouldn’t it be great to redirect this valuable thought energy into something that brings light into our lives?

Unlocking Latent Potential

By mostly utilizing only the familiar or the ‘necessary’, we overlook vast reservoirs of untapped potential within our brains.  By not addressing and “cleaning up” the processes that no longer serve us, our lives are weighted down with baggage that can stop us from realizing the life we desire. 

Imagine the life you desire

Since childhood, my quest has revolved around understanding the workings of the human mind. During this exploration, I’ve stumbled upon fragments of powerful information within different books, or systems of knowledge. 

However, in my search, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) has emerged as a significant repository of this knowledge.  

NLP offers structured techniques to not just comprehend, but to reprogram our thought processes, enhancing both personal and professional aspects of life.

In a society where taking responsibility for one’s own emotions and mental states is not encouraged, this valuable information is not on the forefront of popular culture. However, we can find it, but we do need to seek it out.

Now, imagine a society where children are equipped with the tools to not just react, but understand, learn from, and channel their emotions productively.  Going through adolescence and the teenage years would be transformed for both the children and the adults.  Imagine that we are all aware of our cognitive processes, understanding the deletions, distortions and generalizations that our minds make.  The power to understand and then restructure how our mind stores our thoughts can be revolutionary in moulding our lives. 

Discover the untapped potential within you. Much like the overlooked features on your phone, there’s so much more for you waiting to be unveiled. With NLP, transformation can happen swiftly. It’s the fusion of these tools and your innate desire for change, that as an NLP coach, allows me to enhance both individual and organizational fulfillment and efficacy.

When you look at your phone and wonder about vestigial apps and untapped features, why not find out something truly fascinating…what is possible for you, right now?  Contact me now for a free discovery session where we jump in, move the clouds away, and find the delights that will create your next phase of a joyful life. You will walk away with more clarity on your own “apps” and you will have learned a powerful tool to help you in these interesting times.

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