Anchoring a Bubble of Joy in Your Solar Plexus

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In a world increasingly fraught with stress and uncertainties, there’s a profound need for us to cultivate an inner protected harbor of joy.  Although genuine moments of happiness might appear fleeting amidst the chaos, a powerful method allows us to gather, magnify and re-create the feelings from these moments.  

This refers to the creation and nurturing of a “bubble of joy” within our solar plexus (above the navel, center of your torso) that we can turn to when things get stressful. Grounded in the principles of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), this technique serves as our personal oasis, allowing us not only to thrive amidst adversity but also to extend this joy to others around us.


At the core of this transformative method is the concept of a bubble of joy. Think of this bubble as a reservoir where you can store moments of joy.  The solar plexus, an intricate network of nerves located behind the stomach and closely linked to our emotional well-being, serves as the ideal place for this imaginary bubble.  Combine this with the NLP process of “anchoring,” and you have a powerful tool at your disposal.

Identifying Joy:

Even in the midst of stress, life still gives us moments that can give us joy.  When we’re stressed, we have a tendency to not recognize and embrace these moments.  Whether it’s the simple act of appreciating a fragrant flower, witnessing a breathtaking landscape, laughing at your pet’s antics, or enjoying a silent, loving exchange with someone dear, these are the moments of joy we can start to amplify and collect. Recognizing these moments is the first step.

Capturing Joyful Moments:

Once identified, these moments can be gathered and then revisited later.  That’s where our bubble of joy comes into play.  Visualize mentally placing these joyful experiences inside your bubble. With every moment you store, imagine this bubble growing in strength and brightness.  This allows it to become a more substantial part of your inner self.

Say you are playing with your pet, and you catch yourself in a moment of joy. Go ahead and pretend to “store” a snapshot or 3-second video of that moment, along with it’s joy.

Not sure you can pretend? We are actually experts at it. We pretend this kind of thing when we worry, here we are learning to use this expert ability in a way that serves us.

The Anchoring Technique:

For those who would like to take it a step further –  NLP, or Neuro-Linguistic Programming, includes the powerful concept of “anchoring”.  It refers to the practice of associating an external stimulus with a particular emotional state in order to “trigger” (bring back) the emotional state.  

Working with our bubble of joy, a simple gesture for anchoring the emotion is to use is the act of clasping one’s hands together (physical action) and pretending you are storing that happy feeling in your bubble of joy (mental action), and gently smiling (additional physical action).

Note: You can use whatever anchoring gestures or visualizations would work best for you, as long as it’s the same one each time (More on anchoring in a future article).

When you experience those peak moments of joy, bring your hands together, take in a breath, and let that smile grace your face.

This act will, over time, create a strong neurological and emotional link.  Meaning, you can “trigger” the anchor when you breathe, smile, and clasp your hands together, imagining that bubble of joy. This can instantly evoke feelings of happiness that you previously stored. It’s interesting how some people, upon triggering, get images as well as the feelings of what they have put in their bubble of joy.

Note:  Begin the anchoring process as the joy starts to build and conclude just after its peak to encapsulate the strongest part of the emotion.

Benefits of the Anchoring Gesture:

This process offers powerful benefits.  Not only can you access a state of joy instantaneously, but you’re also reinforcing a positive habit.  The more frequently you associate the act of clasping your hands, smiling and taking a breath with happiness, the stronger the connection becomes.

Feeding and Protecting Your Bubble:

A reservoir, no matter how abundant, needs replenishing and protection.  As you go through your day, remember to store away the joyful moments and put them in the bubble.  As a guideline to keep the process strong, “feed” the anchor five times for every one time you trigger it. 

Strengthening the Bubble:

Over time, as you continue this practice, you’ll find that your bubble of joy becomes more resilient.  It will be less susceptible to external disturbances, serving as a robust foundation of joy in your life.

Expanding Your Bubble of joy:

Once you’re accustomed to this practice and have cultivated a strong bubble, you can increase it’s power. Visualize dialing up its size until it’s large enough to envelop you completely.  Within this expansive space, you can immerse yourself, basking in amplified joy.


Life’s beauty often lies in its simplest joys. By creating, anchoring, and nurturing a bubble of joy within your solar plexus, you’re not just capturing these moments; you’re storing them in a way that can be of help to you during stressful times. The transformative effects of this practice can significantly enhance one’s quality of life.  So, begin today, cherish every joyful second, and soon enough, you’ll have a powerful reservoir of happiness.  Even during times of stress and uncertainty, we can create our own safe space within.