How to Live an Empowered Life in Uncertain Times

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The world seems more uncertain these days, yet there are some things we can control that can see us through these times.  We can control our food choices, our physical activity, and, believe it or not, we can control our inner world. 

Living an empowered life is more crucial than ever for our own sanity, and for our fellow beings.  It allows us to transcend negative energy like fear, deal with world uncertainties, and face life’s additional challenges with courage and resilience.  

Here are some ideas that can open doors to embracing empowerment.  See what works for you:

1. Moving from Your Head to Your Heart – Try the alternative “search engine” inside

Moving from head-based to heart-centered thinking can significantly impact the way we approach life’s uncertainties.  It enables us to connect with our inner wisdom and intuition, rather than being led solely by logic and reason.  This shift allows for more compassionate and empathetic decision-making, creating a space for understanding and openness.

You can do this in your imagination by closing your eyes and saying to yourself, “I am going to move from my head-mind to my heart-mind now,” and notice how you feel.  At some future time, if you find yourself in a quandary about an issue, you may just think about this passage you are reading now and give it a try.  You can see for yourself the difference in the quality of the information and feelings you experience.  Consider this an alternative inner search engine for information.  You may find it refreshing, since your heart has no agenda but to love. The head-mind, well…that’s another story.

2. Taking Responsibility for Your Emotions

Owning our emotions is a pivotal step toward empowerment.  If we simply allow that everything in our world is our own responsibility, we don’t have to waste energy being upset at others.  We simply do what we need to do next.  I’m sure you have heard these ideas before and wondered how on Earth do you deal with the stew of emotions we experience, some that don’t even make sense? 

The NeuroCalm technique is a valuable resource to help manage and understand our emotional reactions. By taking responsibility for our feelings, we gain control over our reactions and learn to approach situations with a balanced perspective.

NeuroCalm has four easy steps (click here for the audio instructions):

a.       Notice where the feeling is in your body, stop your inner commentary, though it may be momentarily uncomfortable, allow that feeling.

b.       Ask the feeling (as if it had an answer for you) “What do I need to know to let you go?”

c.       It’s usually the first word or knowing/feeling you get

d.       Repeat until the feeling has totally dissipated

3. Being, Accepting, and Acting with Love

Well, why not?  Try it for a day, see how your day goes.  Embodying love in all we do serves both ourselves and the people around us, especially in uncertain times. Your kind action, maybe a smile or a more friendly email, could set off a positive chain reaction that could change a life.  You never know. 

Then there is the part about accepting love from others.   For a day, assume that a compliment or an “I love you” is genuine.  Perhaps accept that (put name here) really thinks the world of you, even though they say it and you just don’t believe it.   When we are anchored in love, we cultivate an environment where understanding and kindness flourish, making it easier to navigate through uncertainty.

4. Forgiveness: Practicing Ho’oponopono

Forgiveness is a potent tool for empowerment. The Ho’oponopono technique—a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness—can be particularly helpful in fostering healing and inner peace. It provides a pathway to release resentment and hurt, enabling us to find freedom from the past and build stronger connections with others. 

As with our emotions, this is another example of taking responsibility for every single thing in our lives.  The idea is that if it is in our life, it is for us to acknowledge. 

Here is an article about how a doctor worked at a ward for the criminally insane, and through his practice of this technique, helped heal the patients to the extent that the ward was no longer necessary.   

Ho’oponopono is a simple, 4-step process.  You can learn it here

5. Mindfulness

Cultivating mindfulness is essential in maintaining balance in the face of uncertainty.  It teaches us to stay present, focusing on the here and now rather than becoming overwhelmed by future concerns or past regrets.  Regular mindfulness practices help in enhancing self-awareness and resilience, fostering a sense of inner peace. 

Ok that was easy to say.  It’s also easy to do.  The challenge is in maintaining that mindfulness throughout the day.  A good way to start is to attach mindfulness to an activity you do every day, such as walking the dog, cooking, or greeting your loved ones.  Some people set an alarm for a few times during the day.  Many find that it adds a deeper level of being to their days, which creates a feeling of peace that can help during difficult times. 


Embarking on a journey towards an empowered life can include embracing heart-centered thinking, taking responsibility for our emotions, embodying love, practicing forgiveness, and cultivating mindfulness. These elements form a holistic approach to navigating through uncertain times with grace and resilience.

As an NLP coach, I specialize in offering powerful yet simple strategies designed to foster empowerment. By integrating these principles, we can all unlock our potential and face the challenges of uncertain times with courage, compassion, and confidence.

Discover the power of living an empowered life in uncertain times. Explore profound, yet simple techniques and strategies by visiting the contact page or check out my podcast, The NLP Office Oasis. Embrace a life of empowerment and transform your world from the inside out.  You have greater power than you allow yourself to imagine.