Today we are going on a cognitive adventure, which is an an engaging activity that lets you explore remarkable possibilities by experimenting with different ways of thinking and holding thoughts.

Let’s start with this example, close your eyes and think of the way the sun rises each morning in the East.  When you think about that fact, that the sun rises every morning in the East, where in your mental space is that located?  Is it over to the left, or the right, up or down, or maybe right in the center of your mental field?    

Now think of another unchanging fact, such as you need to breathe air.  Where do you notice that concept?   Notice where that is in your mental field.  This is where you store unchanging facts.  Your unchanging fact place. 

Interesting, isn’t it?

We store concepts in different parts of our mental field, and these different parts have meaning to us at an unconscious level.  Unconscious level means that it’s something that we are not normally aware of.  Now you will become more aware of it.  This opens a door to exciting possibilities in the land of thought.

Where you store your thoughts is an example of a submodality.

A submodality In Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), refers to the specific details and qualities that make up our sensory experiences. These details include things like the brightness, color, size, distance, and location of the images, sounds, and feelings we create in our minds. In simpler terms, submodalities are like the fine-tuning knobs that shape how we perceive and remember things in our mind’s eye and how we experience our inner world. NLP uses the understanding of submodalities to help change how we process and react to certain thoughts and feelings.

When you grasp the power of modifying submodalities, you embark on a journey towards mastering the mysterious realm of your own mind. 

To start with, please go ahead and think of something that you desire in your life, but it’s just not there yet.  Something that you desire in your life, but it’s just not there yet.  It could be a situation, an ability, something material… That’s right.

Now, as you think of that thing and where it is located, go ahead and move it over to where you store your unchanging facts like the sun rising in the East, and snap it in, just like you snap a sim card into your phone, or a card reader into your computer.   You know how to do it, move it over, snap it in. 

We are going to do that two more times.  Now, as you think of that thing again and where it is located, go ahead and move it over to where you store your unchanging facts like the sun rising in the East, and snap it in, just like you snap a sim card into your phone, or a card reader into your computer.   You know how to do it, move it over, snap it in. 

One more time, let’s think of that thing again and where it is located, go ahead and move it over to where you store your unchanging facts like the sun rising in the East, and snap it in, just like you snap a sim card into your phone, or a card reader into your computer.   You know how to do it, move it over, snap it in. 

Now, notice how much more real that thing you would like in your life feels now.  That’s right. 

And as with the law of attraction, your belief about a thing affects your ability to create it in your world.

You just took a big step towards taking control of your inner world, and because of that, your outer world. 

Would you like to learn more about taking charge of your mind and your outer results?  Dive deeper into the art of taking charge of your thoughts and transforming your external outcomes.   Feel free to schedule a complimentary discovery session

This is Nannette, your Impact Coach signing off for now.  Make it a great day!